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Aenean quis facilisis massa. Cras justo odio, scelerisque nec dignissim quis, cursus a odio. Duis ut dui vel purus aliquet tristique.

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Morbi quis tellus eu turpis lacinia pharetra non eget lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec.

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In ornare lacus sit amet est aliquet ac tincidunt tellus semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Interesting Places to Visit in Malang Part II

The second interesting places to visit is Wonosari Tea Garden which is located in Wonosari- Lawang. Wonosari Tea Garden has fresh air and it is misty. What kind of activity you can do there? You can just take a walk or learn how tea is processed and it is ready to consume. The other facilities are playing ground, mini train, small zoo, swimming pool, some shops, outbond area, and also homestay. The ticket to come in Wonosari Tea Garden is cheap enough. It is for about five thousand rupiah on Monday-Saturday and six thousand rupiah on Sunday and another holiday. It is not difficult to get there. You can take a public transportation to go to Wonosari Tea Garden.

Wonosari Tea Garden

The third interesting places is Bajul Mati Beach. Bajul Mati Beach is one of the tourism places in south part of Malang. To go to Bajul Mati Beach you need 2-3 hours. It is for about sixty kilometers from the central city. Bajul Mati Beach is located near Sendang Biru Fish Market, exactly in Gedangan district. For the visitors who want to come in this beach must pay four thousand rupiah each person. Bajul Mati Beach gives an excellent scenery. Besides the blue sea water, the big wave, in the middle of the sea there is a huge hill (it is similar to a huge stone) from the depth of the sea. These make the beauty of this beach much more perfect.

Bajul Mati Beach

From some beautiful tourism places above, you can conclude that Malang is not only famous of recreation park. Bajul Mati Beach, Wonosari Tea Garden, and Selecta are very amazing also. The price of them are reasonable. I recommend you to choose Malang for your unforgetable vacation.

Monday, January 07, 2013

Interesting Places to Visit in Malang

People said that Malang is wonderful city. Eventhough the other cities heve their own interesting places, Malang is still more attractive to visit because of its several interesting places. Not only recreation park, but also some beaches and gardens are available located in Malang. They can be located in the town or village. Among several interesting places in Malang, I have recommended the most interesting places. The interesting places to visit in Malang are Selecta, Wonosari Tea Garden, and Bajul Mati Beach.

One interesting places to visit in Malang is Selecta. It is located in Tulungrejo village, Bumiaji district, Batu- Malang. Selecta is surrounded by mountain range and beautiful-fresh panorama.

Selecta, Batu-Malang

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Kenali Cara Bayi Berkomunikasi

Sama halnya dengan orang dewasa, bayi juga berkomunikasi dengan cara mereka sendiri, mungkin akan memunculkan tanda tanya dibenak kita ketika mereka menunjukkan geraka-gerakan tertentu yang terkadang mereka mengulang gerakan tersebut di lain waktu. Berikut gerakan-gerakan unik cara bayi berkomunikasi yang perlu kita ketahui:

1.Mata yang menatap
tanda ia berusaha mengenali siapa yang ada didekatnya. Tataplah kembali matanya sambil tersenyum supaya ia mengenali sisi menyenangkan dari Anda.

seringkali ia tersenyum dalam tidur, tanda ia merasa cukup nyaman. Biarkan ia tertidur nyenyak, tapi boleh kok, kalau Anda pandangi terus.

3.Mengeluarkan suara lenguhan
ia ingin menarik perhatian Anda atau ingin bermain. Datangi dan tatap matanya, boleh juga sambil mengajaknya bermain.

4.Wajah seperti cemberut
kemungkinan ia merasa tak nyaman. Coba cek popoknya, posisi tubuhnya atau tempat tidurnya. Cermati juga kemungkinan ia sakit.

5.Menangis dengan kaki menekuk
seringkali terjadi pada serangan kolik. Buatlah ia merasa nyaman dengan menggendongnya sambil bernyanyi dengan tenang. Menyusui juga bisa membuatnya lebih tenang.

6.Kaki menendang-nendang
mungkin ia bosan atau merasa tak nyaman. Bisa juga karen ia ingin digendong. Cek dulu pokoknya, jika kering, boleh kok Anda menggendongnya atau mengajaknya berjalan-jalan ketempat lain.

sama seperti Anda, sangat mungkin ia mengantuk. Timang-timang saja sampai ia hampir tertidur dan tidurkan di tempat tidurnya.

8.Mulut terbuka dan tertutup berulang-ulang
bisa jadi karena ia lapar. Jika waktu menyusunya baru saja selesai, mungkin ia sekedar ingin merasakan lagi nikmatmnya susu yang menempel di bibirnya. Santai saja, bisa Anda gendong ataupun dibiarkan di tempat tidur sambil Anda belai-belai.

The Miracle of The Music for Baby

Music is believed has many positive benefits for baby. The baby listening to the music grow up becoming calm children. It is not only that, this baby will also have better assimilated system than baby has never been exposed by music. The impact is, the efficiency of metabolism increases and finally the growth of weight will be better.
The miracle of music for children has been felt since they were in pregnancy. The embryo shows a certain reaction when they are listening to the music, the pregnant Mom is able to feel moving of embryo faster or more rilex.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Separation Class for High and Low Level Students

Everyone has known that each student has different ability or skill in studying. Consequently, many schools separate between high and low level students. Absolutely, the separation class for high and low level students has advantages and disadvantages.
Some people approve that class separation will help teachers to deliver material easily because delivering material to high and low level students needs different method. Delivering material to high level students not need much time for explanation, compare to low level students because the high level students will understand the material faster than low level students. In addition, learning will be more active because the students have similar ability. Moreover, separation class will build their self confidence because they have many competitors in their class. Thus, they compete to be the best.

Homework Should Be Given to the Students

Studying is students’s obligation. They do not only have to study at school but also at home. Consequently, the teacher is hopped to give them homework. So, the homework should be given to the students. How can it be?

First of all, the the students can brush their previous lesson up. Sometimes, they do not review their previous lesson when they arrived at home; therefore, giving homework is important for them.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Enjoy with Long Distance Relationship

Long distance relationships can be complex and usually take time, effort, and practice to get right. Now everybody knows that the main way to keep communicating during long distance relationships is through the telephone. Whether the home phone or cell phone, because we need to speak to our loved one. But let’s face it people, we will get tired of talking on the phone sometimes. Especially if it becomes routine.

Communicate often on the phone during long distance relationships is OK but it’s not really important.
Why? Both of us have their own activity, we do not need so much to spend their time just for our couple. If we just spend too much time on the phone with them, we are afraid of disturbing their time also their activity.

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