Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Miracle of The Music for Baby

Music is believed has many positive benefits for baby. The baby listening to the music grow up becoming calm children. It is not only that, this baby will also have better assimilated system than baby has never been exposed by music. The impact is, the efficiency of metabolism increases and finally the growth of weight will be better.
The miracle of music for children has been felt since they were in pregnancy. The embryo shows a certain reaction when they are listening to the music, the pregnant Mom is able to feel moving of embryo faster or more rilex.

It’s better if this habit (listening to the music) is not be finished when the baby is born. According to psychologists research, Fran Rauscher and Gordon Shaw from University of California-Irvine, United States, there is a strong corelation between expertness of playing music and mastery of high level mathematics, also skill of sains when the children in school age.

The research of these two experts shows that the spatial intelligence of children getting education of music increase 46% than children do not exposed by music.
While according to Dr. Dee Joy Coulter, expert of neuroscience and the author of Early Childhood Connections: The Journal of Music and Moment-Based Learning, the game containing music will increase children’s language skill. They will grow becoming children that are able to organize idea and solve problem.

So, wait for what? Make your baby used to listening to the music in ynur home!.


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